Newly Available PEPFAR Data

Download the Full Data Set (Excel, 5 MB)
Guide to the Data (PDF, 141K)

The President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) provides more than $5 billion per year to prevent and treat HIV/AIDS. Exactly how is that money spent? It is difficult to know, because detailed funding data have not been publicly available--until now.

In March 2008 CGD released funding data from PEPFAR's own information system (COPRS) for Fiscal Years 2004 through 2006. These data were initially obtained from the State Department by the Center for Public Integrity. The data are accompanied by a new HIV/AIDS Monitor analysis that presents some of the most interesting data and assesses their implications.

We hope that the Office of the US Global AIDS Coordinator (OGAC) will begin to release funding data on a regular basis. Increased public disclosure of funding information will improve accountability for spending, inform policy discussions, and facilitate analysis that can ensure greater aid effectiveness. Given all of these benefits, we believe Congress should require OGAC to regularly disclose its funding data.

The funding data presented here are the best available information, but they are not perfect. CGD has identified several errors in the data, which we believe is largely a function of human error. These errors do not, in our judgment, compromise the overall integrity of the data set. We believe these data are extremely valuable, and we hope its public release will provide evidence for further analysis by others, in the spirit of information without judgment.

We want to thank the Center for Public Integrity (CPI) for providing these data to us. CPI generously agreed to share them with CGD after obtaining these data from the State Department.

For more information, download the HIV/AIDS Monitor analysis of the newly released data, "The Numbers Behind the Stories: PEPFAR Funding for Fiscal Years 2004 to 2006" (PDF, 701 KB)

Download the Full Data Set (Excel, 5 MB)

 Note: The funding data (Excel, 5 MB) presented here are the best available information, but they are not perfect. We encourage everyone viewing these data to help us improve it. Write to us at [email protected] with updated data, explanations about the errors we've identified, or to point out any other errors you've found.